“See the light in others and treat them as if that is all you see.”
Welcome to my page! Below you will learn about my services.
Please note that all prices include taxes.
Any session can be conducted in English or in Russian.
Most of the sessions can also be done by distance with the same quality of work.
Go ahead and scroll down, choose a session that resonates with your heart.
Good changes come when we work together as a team !
To learn about and to book your QHHT session, enter here
I Open My Heart
100 minute session // $180 CAD
This session begins with expanding your Heart chakra and Activating your Etherical Heart chakra helping you to speak from your heart and take healing to a deeper level. After that there will be a complete work on all your chakras to rebalance your energy. You will receive a healing symbol to use this healing energy on yourself daily if you wish. Become your own healer!
Releasing My Blockages
120 minute session // $207 CAD
Are you ready to shed old stagnated energies and fears that are blocking you from going forward and reaching your desires? Are you willing to do some self-work to live and be Authentic ? If yes, then this session is for you! Reiki will help you to release your blockages and empower you with the confidence you never thought you had!
Soul Mending ™
120 minute session // $207 CAD
Healing emotional, mental and physical traumas, triggers, fears, inner child and pains. If you have experienced ANY traumas, went through life threatening events, if you feel lost, incomplete, not fully present, you will be guided to bring back those hurt parts of your Soul to heal them and become whole again. Loving and empowering!
Release and Heal
120 minute session // $207 CAD
This session is a combination of Releasing My Blockages and Soul Mending sessions. Reiki will assist you to release your blockages through a special process and to bring back hurt fragments of your soul so you can heal your inner child, fears, pains and release energy cords of past traumas with love and forgiveness for yourself and others. You will learn how to channel healing energy into yourself any time you need to release stress.
Maintenance Session
75 minute session // $130 CAD
This is a good session to take to continue receiving Reiki regularly, once a month, to maintain your energy at a higher level. Reiki will be working throughout your energy field, chakras and physical body releasing what you do not need, boosting you with fresh healthy energy.
Reiki the Day Before
75 minute session // $130 CAD
Receive Supportive Reiki Energies just the day before your important event, job interview, medical procedure, financial appointment, business meeting, presentation, marriage or other proposals, travelling, making important decision, exam etc.
Reiki Set of 4 Sessions
4 X 75 minute sessions // $480 CAD
This sequence is offered to work profoundly once a week for four consecutive weeks. 60min each session. In person or distant sessions. There could be different Reiki technics applied during these sessions depending on your personal needs. You and your body is unique. We will go with its pace. My energy tool box is ready to work on you.
Get My Booster!
100 minute session // $155 CAD
This is a session for those who are Reiki Healers, working or planning to work on people.
Part of my work is to support healers. In this session I will conduct Reiki Attunement to boost healer's abilities helping them to release their blockages, balance their chakras to connect deeper with their Authentic selves, and support their unique skills as healers.
Let's Decide Together!
100 minute session // $180 CAD
If you are not sure which session to book, simply book this one. We will chat at the beginning to look at your requests and priorities for this session. You do not need to understand how Reiki works. You just need to understand and express what your heart wants so the energy will help you start to clear the way to get there.
QHHT, Past Life Regression
To read about and to book this session , click here QHHT SESSION
Reiki Buddies
75 minute session // $130 CAD for two participants
Come and receive Reiki with your beau, your best friend, your kid , your loved ones.
You will lay down next to each other on yoga mats and receive Reiki through a special meditation.
We will chat about Reiki for you to discover these Cosmic energies and then I will guide you through a Reiki meditation where you will receive these energies. It is so special to receive Reiki in this way and share this experience with your loved one!
Reiki & Massage
Why not combine Reiki and massage?
It’s all about the Mind,Body and Spirit!
Busy Bee
100 minute session // $180 CAD
This is a combination of a customized massage and Reiki for a deep relaxation in your busy schedule. Painful knots will be released in your body and peace will be restored in your mind. Massage receipts from RMQ provided for your insurance.
Total Relaxation
120 minute session // $207 CAD
This is a full body Swedish massage session to release pain and discomfort by using deep tissue method on your knots and relaxing your tight muscles so you can soak in Reiki energies right after.Total relaxation! Massage receipts from RMQ provided for your insurance.
Reiki & Other Healing Modalities
Bringing you a wider perspective, insights and different experiences!
Reiki & Crystals
100 minute session // $180 CAD
I encourage you to come to this session with a good intention. You can also bring your own crystal to be charged with Reiki to take it home to continue receiving Reiki from it. Crystals help us manifest our intentions whether it is for physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing and purpose. After we set up your intention for the session, specific crystals will be placed on you to work. They are power-full friends working in synergy with Reiki to assist us any time we ask for help.
Reiki & Numerology
100 minute session // $180 CAD
This session will help you understand the connection between your daily challenges, your birthday numbers' energies, your life path lessons and the energy blockages discovered during this Reiki session. Some blockages will be released during this session and some might require more time and may be more work but you will leave empowered with 'tools' and more knowledge to succeed in your awakening!
Reiki & Tarot - Double Care!
120 minute session // $200 CAD
Receive Reiki to purify your energies and calm your mind to be more receptive to hear the wisdom and guidance from your Higher Self in your Tarot session. Find out Why and How you can shift your perception to be in the right flow! You will be taken care of by two Reiki Masters, Elena for your Reiki session and Pierre Lafleur for your Tarot reading. We are ready! Are you ?
Reiki for Couples
120 minute session // $200 CAD
Receive Reiki next to each other and enjoy your unique personal experiences! Each of us will take care of one of you as you and your partner are comfortably resting on massage tables next to each other. You might have separate, particular requests and goals for your session and we will work on them.
Turbo Reiki 4 Hands
90 minute session // $180 CAD
After hearing your requests for the session, we will work through all your chakras, finding energy blockages and using Reiki to release them. It is a powerful experience to receive Reiki from two practitioners bringing in different energies. We will share our insights with recommendations. It is also a good session in case of physical conditions and illnesses.
Spirit Attachment Release
75 minute session // $130 CAD
4hands // *$200 CAD
This session can be done in-person or by distant Reiki. You will receive instructions in advance . This session is effective and very peaceful in the way it is done. It helps to remove unwanted energies/presence/spirits from you or around you affecting your well-being. Peace and safety will be restored with powerful protective Reiki energies. *4 hands session available.
Learn Reiki
Learn Reiki for your own healing or maybe you want to build your own holistic healing practice. Reiki classes are offered on a regular basis. You can check them out by clicking on the button below. Don’t find what you’re looking for? Contact me!
Reiki Group Classes
Reiki Level 1 // $175CAD
Reiki Level 2 // $250 CAD
Reiki Level 3 // $270 CAD
Reiki Level 4 // $500 CAD
Reiki Level 3 & 4 // $750 CAD -
Reiki Private or Semi-Private Classes
Reiki Level 1 // $265 CAD
Reiki Level 2 // $350 CAD
Reiki Level 3 // $370 CAD
Reiki Level 4 // $950 CAD,semi-private
Reiki Level 3 & 4 //private $1100 CAD -
Reiki for Couples
Reiki Level 1 // $400 CAD
Reiki Level 2 // $400 CAD
Reiki Level 3 & 4 // $1600 CAD -
Karuna Master/Teacher Class
Group Class // $750 CAD
Semi-Private Class // $950 CAD
Private // $1100 CAD